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4 Buyer Behaviors That Turn Off Sellers

Edie Israel

After years of executive sales and marketing experience as well as entrepreneurial success, Edie entered into the real estate market of Southern Calif...

After years of executive sales and marketing experience as well as entrepreneurial success, Edie entered into the real estate market of Southern Calif...

Oct 24 3 minutes read

When you're making an offer on your dream home, it's important to be aware that sellers are looking at more than just the finances. There are behaviors that turn off sellers and can in turn lead to your offer being declined. Ultimately, bad buyers make sellers unwilling to go out of their way to accommodate your requests. Here is a closer look at some of the most common buyer bad behaviors that can ultimately cost you your dream home.

Canceling appointments

When buyers cancel appointments, sellers are understandably frustrated. Arranging for a showing typically involves a significant amount of cleaning and organization. It may also involve major scheduling changes, or arranging child and pet care. Changing appointments multiple times, canceling last minute, or just not showing up can quickly lead to a seller that doesn't take you seriously – regardless of the reason.

Bad behavior in the home

Buyers need to see all aspects of a house to evaluate if its condition is truly as advertised. Looking in closets, familiarizing yourself with the attic, and other things that realistically make a seller somewhat uncomfortable are common. But sometimes diligence crosses the line into curiosity or even nosiness. Buyers have been known to look inside furniture that doesn't come with the house, sort through a sellers' personal mail or papers, and more. Invasions of privacy are a signal that sellers pay close attention to. Keep your browsing to what is legitimately necessary to decide if this is the home for you.

Furniture demands

One of the more interesting types of concessions that buyers ask for is specific pieces of furniture. In some cases, sellers plan to liquidate their furniture before buying their next home and they're happy to include it for the buyers. But in other cases, sellers see furniture and decorations as their personal property and have no desire to sell it. Many real estate transactions have ground to a halt as a buyer holds the process hostage for a couch or mirror. Many times, sellers walk away when buyers are being what they perceive as unreasonable.

Renegotiating in escrow

When a seller accepts an offer, it's in good faith. Most sellers understand that if a home inspection uncovers a serious problem, it's likely that they'll need to renegotiate the price. But some buyers use a tactic to lock a seller into escrow and then begin aggressively negotiating the price. The idea is that the seller will feel trapped and lower the price just to secure the closing. However, this approach can backfire and ultimately even cost the buyer their deposit.

When you're seeking your dream home, it's important to remember that your approach is often as important as your offer. Work with an experienced real estate agency to ensure that you reach your buying goals. Contact us today to discuss how to manage the buying process, and how to avoid the behaviors that turn off sellers.